Kent School: Decarbonisation Project
Norton Technical Maintenance
Saturday 6 January 2024
Kent School Decarbonisation Project: new heating, hot water systems using air source heat
Norton Mechanical being a framework supplier to Kent County Council since 2010 was selected
to design and install a replacement heating and hot water system. The school was able to vacate the building to incorporate low-carbon energy equipment enabling the 24-week program to progress and
comply with the requirements for the council to be able to obtain funding from the central government through Salix.
Norton's in-house design team commences work on modeling suitable options for the school heating and hot water requirements. Eventually settling on 300kwh of air source heat pumps, Norton was required to submit their detailed design proposal to our client's external design consultants for review.
Following a speedy sign-off of the proposal for Christmas. Norton's project team is to move into the site and
commence with the strip-out works of the school's entire heating and hot water system. This project was delivered entirely by Norton using their own staff and the associated building works by their sister company AyrJem Building Services.
The project was successfully delivered back to the stakeholders at the end of July enabling them to
be able to convene moving back into the building during the summer holiday with the children returning to a new heating and hot water system that will provide all of the school's service requirements using low carbon systems.